Tips for building an effective online presence
Tips for building an effective online presence

How to Write Product Descriptions: 9 Useful Tips

11 min read
How to Write Product Descriptions

Why should so much attention go into writing product descriptions? Well, for starters, you want to catch your potential customer’s attention, or else you may lose a sale. A well-thought-out product description is evident when the sale figures are good. It’s not rocket science. Get your customers excited by what they’re reading and seeing, and you likely have them buying your product.

So, how do you make sure your product grabs your customer’s attention? Many eCommerce business owners know the value of a product description that’s well-written, descriptive, and eye-catching.

They also know that using typical sales jargon such as “excellent quality,” “top-notch,” and “the best solution” is often not what customers want to read. After all, customers expect you to offer them a product that covers all these aspects. So, what and how can you tell them about your product that will get them thinking, “Wow! This is the product I want/need/like!”?

Being creative online is essential for a successful sale. It means going above and beyond what a customer expects when viewing product details. Selling online means using descriptions that compel a person to buy your product. Of course, it includes describing the product’s features, what solutions it offers, and how it benefits the customer. 

Writing details about your product is very similar to writing a fantasy story (but with all the facts clearly detailed). You’re weaving a story to create excitement, novelty, and curiosity about the items on your website. You’re drawing your customer in to explore more about your product, giving them all the details they need to make an informed purchase decision. And you want them to imagine how great it would be to have your product in their hands. 

The competition online is fierce. You need to make your website stand out. Using website builders such as Boxmode will ensure you have the best tools on hand to bring your website to a new level. Check out how we use simple but engaging words to describe our product. And, this is only for starters!

boxmode website

Let’s get you writing descriptions, so your business starts on a good footing. Read on and discover how to write attention-grabbing product descriptions and what to include to make them powerful. 

How to Write Good Product Descriptions to Increase Sales

First, a good product description is mediocre nowadays. You want exponential sales, don’t you? Mediocre sales are okay, but if you’re serious about your business, you want great sales. 

An exciting description doesn’t necessarily mean you go overboard with words. If you’re selling a product that most people are familiar with, keep it short and sweet with enough information to fully inform the customer about what they’re buying.

Have a look at this example of a company’s main product, bed linen.

bed linen product description

The description of the product tells you that it is made from linen, is hypoallergenic, and is comfortable in a few words. They created a simple story using “feel good” words such as “playfulness” and “highly breathable” to catch your attention. 

At a glance, you can see what the product looks like, what it costs, and what quality it is. Simple, straightforward marketing. And, it’s all you need to know about a duvet cover.

With a website builder, you may want to have a bit more information before deciding to buy the company’s product. This is why our example below gives you more descriptions to entice you to explore our product further.

Boxomode about us page

Yes, there are more words. But by using the “box” format and describing each component using short, descriptive sentences, we let the readers decide quickly whether they want to continue investigating our product. 

These are just two examples of how you can go about creating a description of your product, which will ultimately improve your sales. But, so much more needs to go into making your product unique and stand out against its competitors.

What Does a Product Description Include?

A lot goes into creating a description for your product. It’s more than sitting down and putting a few words and images together. Use these nine tips to get you writing the sales-inducing product description you need to keep your sales increasing.

Tip #1: Know Your Customer

You need to have a perfect understanding of who your typical customer is. When you want them to buy your product, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • How much detail does my customer need about my product? In other words, is my product “out of the ordinary,” but my customer needs it for whatever reason. If so, they need as much detail as possible to reassure they’re getting the right product. Or, my product is commonly known/used, so detail is not as vital as long as it’s correct and describes fully what my customer will get.
  • What key features do I need to include? It helps to know your customer when you decide the key features to describe the product, so they can convince the potential customer to purchase.
  • Who am I writing for? Your target audience could be women, men, parents, people seeking adventurous lifestyles, and so on. Different jargon and images appeal to different people. Look at how Trek Bikes reach out to women.
TREK website
TREK mountain bike description
  • What makes my product beneficial? Your product needs to offer a solution to a problem your customer is facing. So, you want to describe what value your product offers them. 
  • Where is my product used? Understanding where your customer uses the product will help you know the kind of person to appeal to. Look at the mountain bike example. This product is for outdoors, most often off-road, in rugged conditions. Use the right terminology that tells the customer your product will handle these conditions. 

The key to understanding your customer is not leaving them asking more questions about your product. By asking yourself these questions above, you give your customers the ready answers.

Advice: Don’t tell your customer your product is their “solution.” Tell them in descriptive words (and precise images or graphics) how exactly your product is the solution. 

Tip #2: Develop a Format for Your Product

Developing a format that best describes your product without putting your customer to sleep requires some creativity. This is when you need to bring out your storytelling talents (and we all have them if we put our minds to it). But, it doesn’t mean you should write lengthy descriptions. A paragraph or two tells a story nicely while still giving all the information your customer needs to know.

Take the example of BOB Gear and its jogging strollers. Not only is the company reaching out to parents of young children, but they’re appealing to the adventurer at heart.

This company has not only told you its story, but it’s also shown you what its product can do for you as an active parent with young kids. The brand has cleverly used this format to entice the customers to explore its products further.

BOB Gear website

When deciding on the format of your description, consider the following:

  • Conversational writing: By using a voice that reflects personality and tone, you’re appealing to your customer’s own personality. The conversational writing style is highly effective in engaging with your online buyer.
  • Short paragraphs: Write your story, by all means, but keep it short. Online surfers often skim through content, and if it catches their attention, they may stay on the page to read more. Avoid long, lengthy paragraphs at all costs.

Tip #3: Allow Your Online Buyer to Scan

Improve your description’s scannability by using bullet points, checkmarks, and even numbers in a list to capture your customer’s attention. Subconsciously, your buyer is more likely to view a page with bullet points because it seems less hard work than trying to wade through loads of text.

Check out a typical Amazon page for a product. The first part describes the product using a bullet list. You then have the option of scrolling down for more information related to the product. But, at a glance, you have the product’s key features and benefits in an easy-to-read and scannable form.

typical Amazon page for a product with a description

Tip #4: Make Use of Power(ful) Words

Using powerful or influential words is the key to a successful and powerful marketing campaign. This includes phrases that stand out and stick in your customer’s mind. Think Nike here and “Just Do It.” Simple words combined to create a powerful statement. 

But what are influential words? Too often, a description will include words such as “satisfaction guaranteed” or “revolutionary” and you may think you’re using powerful words. Instead, your customer will say, “Really?” and move on. 

Let’s look at the words being used by Crocs to sell its classical style clog to men.

Crocs product description

Words such as “roomy” and “iconic” stand out as well as “easy to clean.” Other powerful but simple words used are:

  • Comfortable
  • Lightweight
  • Customizable

Are you getting the message loud and clear when you’re wondering whether the classic clog is the shoe for you?

Here’s a list of words you can use that are influential and make an impact when someone reads them:

  • To tap into your customers’ emotions:
  • Imagine
  • Unconventional
  • Amazing
  • Epic
  • To tap into your customer’s sense of safety:
  • Authentic
  • No obligation
  • Certified
  • Money back
  • To tap into your customer’s sense of urgency:
  • Exclusive
  • Rare
  • Instantly
  • Hurry
  • To show your customer the value of your product:
  • Affordable
  • Essential
  • Remarkable
  • Unique

The list continues, so do your research and discover for yourself what the most influential, “power” words you can use to improve the way you describe your product.

Tip #5: Keep It Real and Include the Technical Details

If you’re selling a product that requires technical details, then make sure to include them. You can convince a technical person to buy a technical product only if you keep it real. This means listing all the technical details in a way that satisfies your online buyer. 

By including this kind of information, you’re showing your expertise, which gives the buyer more confidence when dealing with you as a brand.

The HP brand uses simple technical language to sell its products. But, simple as it may be, you know without a doubt in your mind what your HP Notebook can do for you.

HP Probook description example

Tip #6: Make Use of Images and Other Media

A quick and effective way of adding excellent descriptions to your product is by using a range of eye-catching images, videos, and other graphics. Sometimes showing your customer the goods rather than telling them about it can be the most powerful way to describe your product. And it’ll appeal to the online surfer who is doing exactly that – scrolling through rather than reading.

Let’s say you want to buy a speedboat. What images would help you make a decision? Perhaps the interior and exterior design are important. A diagram of the deck plan would be useful and a video or two showing the boat in action can get your excitement levels up.

Chesapeake website products description

Tip #7: We Are the Champions – What Makes Your Brand Great

What makes your product better than everyone else’s in the same niche? Make sure you include the following information when writing about your product. The product is handcrafted.

  • Your product has won many awards.
  • Your own expertise backs it.
  • Celebrities love it. (If someone famous is using your product, advertise it.)
  • The product is reliable, and reputable certification bodies certify it..

Etsy’s marketing guidelines will tell you one of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when describing their product online is not emphasizing the “it” factor. This means it’s essential to show shoppers how your product is special, what makes it outstanding. For example, if you’re a handmade craft seller, make your personality shine through all your product descriptions to awaken the buyer’s emotions. 

For instance, Patek Philippe proudly tells you it makes its watches with supreme designers’ expertise and skill. And this sentence sums it up elegantly and confidently, “At Patek Philippe we master all horological complications and have twice this century built the world’s most complicated portable timepiece.” 

Patek Philippe`s watches product description example

Tip #8: Optimize the SEO

No matter how special your product description is, if you’re not using SEO effectively, you’re wasting your time. Search engine optimization is what gets your website (and your products) found online. 

Search engines such as Google are constantly trawling the web, searching for optimal content. If your online presence is not optimally designed (this includes your content, images, and smart use of keywords), online buyers won’t find you easily. 

Make sure you understand the basics of SEO before you start with writing descriptions for your product.

Using the right keywords is what drives customers to your site. We recommend using them in your page titles, meta descriptions, images, and of course, in your product descriptions. EBay’s SEO guide recommends using keywords up to 14 times for every 200 words when talking about your product.

This is why you need to understand your niche market. What search words or terms will they use to find a product online? Imagine being your customer searching for your goods or services. Then, come up with a list of keywords that’ll drive them to your site. 

Tip #9: Product Description Checklist

It’s always a good idea to have a checklist on hand when you’re done with your product description. This list can include the tips you shared, but here are some other factors you need to check:

  • Proofread for any spelling and grammar mistakes. Nothing frustrates a potential buyer more than untidy writing full of errors. And search engines certainly don’t like poorly written content either.
  • Make sure your facts are exactly that – facts. Include evidence to back up your points.
  • Ensure your description is exciting and informational
  • Use relevant illustrations of the best quality. 
  • Make sure your product overview is straightforward.

For example, Plum Island Soap Co.’s product descriptions are simple. However, they have a story (often with a humorous touch), a list of ingredients, and a clear image. 

Final Thoughts

It’s estimated in the U.S. alone, ecommerce will grow by 40% in 2020. While this is encouraging news for businesses seeking to increase their online sales, it also means stiff competition. You need to be on top of the game if you want to succeed. And you can do it once you follow these simple but effective tips for writing product descriptions. 

If you have trouble creating your product descriptions, there’s always an option to call on the experts. Copywriters and online marketers have training and skills to use words and images to sell your product. They also know how the online world operates and what makes it work. 

Whichever route you take to get your products online and sold, be open to learning and doing everything you can to improve your online marketing strategy. Writing attention-grabbing product descriptions is simply one of the ways to get your brand known and selling. 

How to Write Product Descriptions: 9 Useful Tips