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Boxmode News

New Sidebar Panel and More December 2020 Updates

2 min read

We put a lot of effort into creating a perfect user experience for our clients. Among the overall UI enhancements, we’d like to highlight the most significant Boxmode improvements of December: 

#1. New sidebar panel can be moved anywhere on the screen 

Our sidebar panel contains so many features. However, it used to have one little downside: It was attached to the left side of the screen. We’ve changed this! Now you can move the sidebar panel to any place on the screen by simply dragging and dropping it. It has vertical and horizontal shifts, as well.

#2. New control buttons on the canvas

To make elements’ editing in your website project as easy as pie, we added more control buttons to the widgets. Now you can move the widget, change its settings, or simply delete it from the canvas without using the sidebar panel.

Сontrol buttons

#3. Major improvements in working with images

Some of our users reported issues related to working with images. We fixed this! Now when replacing an illustration, it remains within the original placeholder and does not break the design. 

#4. SSL status is shown near the domain in Project settings

Security is a must-have asset that helps you grow your web project. Security certificates are an attractive feature for your customers, clients, and partners; this is why it’s essential to keep your website’s SSL certificate updated. 

We want to make tracking this information easy, so we added a tooltip to the Manage Domain page where you can see whether your domain has an SSL certificate and what its status is.

Manage domains

#5. New templates for your convenience

These are the five new gorgeous templates we released in December: 

New templates
  • Next Gen – a bright, vibrant template with pre-made pages created for web studios, creative agencies, and advertising bureaus
  • Motivatable – a neat, well-structured template fitted for presenting your company’s services or announcing a business event in a professional way
  • Storyteller – this template is designed in black-and-white and meets artists’ needs 
  • Plumberio – a multipurpose template perfectly fitted for companies that provide plumbing, repair, and electric services 
  • Semblance – a stylish template with a lot of visuals for makeup artists, hair stylists, and eyebrow specialists. 

We hope you enjoy our updates. If you want to stay informed about Boxmode news, sign up for an email newsletter!

New Sidebar Panel and More December 2020 Updates
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